[HMI Probation (2022)]
Report exploring the experiences of staff working with trauma in adult probation – includes recommendations on effective practice. [From HMI Probation’s Research & Analysis series].
Keywords: trauma informed
[HMI Probation (2022)]
Report exploring the experiences of staff working with trauma in adult probation – includes recommendations on effective practice. [From HMI Probation’s Research & Analysis series].
Keywords: trauma informed
[Clinks (2020)]
A review of the evidence regarding trauma and trauma-informed work in relation to people within the criminal justice system. [From the Clinks online Evidence Library].
Keywords: trauma informed
[HMI Probation (2020)]
Includes definitions, models, and impact of trauma, as well as a section on being trauma-informed and practice. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: trauma informed
[Prison Service Journal (2015)]
A Prison Service Journal paper proposing a trauma-based model for understanding individual behaviour and sequencing interventions with young offenders.
Keywords: trauma informed, young people