[MoJ (2024)]
Research into ISLFs.
Keywords: substance misuse
[North West Probation (2024)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: the Lancashire Release Booklet is a booklet – published in four languages – distributed to prisons releasing people back into the area, and includes details of all the available services in the area, for prisoners to use in planning for, and after, their release.
Keywords: health, substance misuse, resettlement
[Russell Webster (2023)]
Summary of research into the experiences of heroin users in prison.
Keywords: substance misuse
[HMI Probation (2023)]
Summary of evidence base in relation to substance misuse, as it relates to youth justice settings. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (YOS)].
Keywords: young people, substance misuse
[London Probation (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: The Sagamore Project is a joint initiative involving probation, the police, e prison service, and courts, as well as sexual health and addiction services, focusing on chemsex and related problem behaviour.
Keywords: chemsex, substance misuse
[Prison Service Journal (2022)]
Article on preventing post release drug related deaths, and encouraging engagement in treatment.
Keywords: substance misuse
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Report based on a joint thematic review, on ensuring effective support for with people with substance misuse issues in community settings. [From HMI Probation’s Effective Practice series].
Keywords: substance misuse
[Manchester prison (2022)]
Ruth Mann Trophy submission: a 75-bed unit designed to support recovery from substance misuse, with all residents working to achieve a shared goal of promoting an environment that supports positive change.
Keywords: substance misuse, healthcare
[Holme House prison (2022)]
Ruth Mann Trophy submission: a whole-prison approach which aims to get everyone living and working in the prison to collaborate in helping people with addictions to flourish and achieve their full potential, without the need for drugs.
Keywords: substance misuse
[Clinks (2021)]
This evidence review provides an in-depth look at the issue of illicit drug use among people in contact with the criminal justice system. [From the Clinks online Evidence Library].
Keywords: substance misuse