[Prison Reform Trust (2024)]
The views and needs of older prisoners.
Keywords: older prisoners, social care
[Prison Reform Trust (2024)]
The views and needs of older prisoners.
Keywords: older prisoners, social care
[Clinks (2023)]
Report commissioned by Clinks into the challenges facing older prisoners, and the staff who care for them – including some examples of good practice. [From the Clinks online Evidence Library].
Keywords: older prisoners, health, wellbeing
[RECOOP (2017)]
Includes sections on prisoner consultation, older prisoner forums, physical environment, physical activity, buddy support workers, and staff training, and more… .
Keywords: older prisoners
[Prison Service Journal (2016)]
PSJ article on palliative care in prisons – including challenges, recommendations and examples of good practice.
Keywords: older prisoners, palliative care, healthcare
[Prison Service Journal (2016)]
PSJ article on policy, practice and models of social care delivery for older prisoners.
Keywords: older prisoners, social care