[HMI Probation (2024)]
Critical succes factors for effective work with perpetrators of domestic abuse.
Keywords: domestic violence
[HMI Probation (2024)]
Critical succes factors for effective work with perpetrators of domestic abuse.
Keywords: domestic violence
[HMI Probation (2023)]
This guide provides some guiding principles for working with domestic abuse perpetrators and victims, and highlight examples where HMIP have seen standards delivered well. [From HMI Probation’s Effective Practice series].
Keywords: domestic violence
[PBNI (2024)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: PBNI’s practitioner forums bring together a range of professionals, every two months, to review those individuals engaged in domestic violence programmes.
Keywords: effective practice, professional supervision, domestic violence
[Home Office (2023)]
Overarching principles and practice guidelines for commissioning and delivering interventions for perpetrators of domestic abuse – from the Home Office.
Keywords: domestic violence
[Kilmarnock prison (2022)]
Ruth Mann Trophy submission: a 12-session educational programme, aimed at perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) who are not eligible for an accredited domestic violence programme in Scotland.
Keywords: families, domestic violence
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work and domestic abuse. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: domestic violence
[Irish Probation Journal (2020)]
Research paper on the Northern Ireland CONTEXT programme for tackling intimate partner violence.
Keywords: domestic violence
[York YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: 13 session, one-to-one programme aimed at young people involved in violence, or emotional abuse, towards their parents.
Keywords: young people, domestic violence
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to how people in prison and on probation may be affected by domestic abuse and how services can improve outcomes for them. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: domestic violence
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to the effectiveness of programmes for those convicted of intimate partner violence (IPV). Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: domestic violence