[Centre for Justice Innovation (2021)]
Examines racial disparity in youth diversion – includes examples of promising practice and recommendations for improvement.
Keywords: diversion, diversity, young people
[Centre for Justice Innovation (2021)]
Examines racial disparity in youth diversion – includes examples of promising practice and recommendations for improvement.
Keywords: diversion, diversity, young people
[The Traveller Movement (2022)]
A series of reports by the Traveller Movement on GRT people and their needs, including in the criminal justice system – they include recommendations on good practice.
Keywords: diversity, travellers, GRT
[HMI Prisons (2020)]
This review provides insights into black and minority ethnic (BME) and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) prisoners’ experiences of rehabilitation and release planning.
Keywords: diversity
[Russell Webster (2023)]
Compendium of links to information related to offenders and diversity.
Keywords: diversity
[Yorks & the Humber Probation (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: the BAME Recruitment Panel is a group of more than 40 BAME colleagues set up to help encourage BAME staff to apply for roles within NPS and to help ensure a level playing field for all applicants.
Keywords: staff recruitment, diversity
[Good Book of Prisons (2019)]
Findings – from interviews with over 2000 staff, prisoners and managers from across the custodial estate – in relation to equalities and diversity in prisons. [From the Butler Trust’s Good Book of Prisons].
Keywords: equalities, diversity
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to the effectiveness of rehabilitative services for BAME people in prison or on probation. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.