[Darlington YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: the Darlington YOS DoE programme is run on by YOS staff and volunteers (much of it in their own time) and described as good practice by HMIP.
Keywords: young people, engagement
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[Darlington YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: the Darlington YOS DoE programme is run on by YOS staff and volunteers (much of it in their own time) and described as good practice by HMIP.
Keywords: young people, engagement
[Cheshire YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: DIVERT is a multi-agency initiative, focused on the point of arrest, to divert the person concerned from ending up in the criminal justice system.
Keywords: young people, diversion
[Barnet YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: 5-day residential programme for young people (10-18 yrs) in contact with youth justice services.
Keywords: young people, engagement, diversion
[Bradford YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: integrated, specialist speech and language service.
Keywords: young people, speech, language, learning disability