[Ingeus (2024)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a peer mentoring training programme for people in contact with commissioned rehabilitative services.
Keywords: peer mentoring
[Ingeus (2024)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a peer mentoring training programme for people in contact with commissioned rehabilitative services.
Keywords: peer mentoring
[Ingeus (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Ingeus’ Fit for Work programme is an 8-week course, with participants spending 1 day p.w. in small teams in the Peak District national park, aimed at improving engagement and helpng prepare people for work.
Keywords: training, employment
[Ingeus (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Ingeus’ music workshops, delivered in partnership with the organisation All Star Youth at HMPs Moorland and Humber, are for prisoners aged 18-24 who are self isolating and/or exhibiting challenging behaviours.
Keywords: young adults, engagement, self isolation, challenging behaviour
[Ingeus (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a collection of Activity Hubs focusing on participants who are difficult to engage, at risk of re-offending and furthest away from employment, as well as a dedicated veterans Hub.
Keywords: purposeful activity, engagement
[Ingeus (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a programme of lived experience staff delivering Health Trainer services to people on probation, supporting vulnerable individuals into mainstream health provision.
Keywords: peer support, health