[Prison Service Journal (2022)]
This special edition of the Prison Service Journal explores engagement and co-production with people living in prison or who are under supervision in the community.
Keywords: engagement, co-production
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[Prison Service Journal (2022)]
This special edition of the Prison Service Journal explores engagement and co-production with people living in prison or who are under supervision in the community.
Keywords: engagement, co-production
[Prison Service Journal (2022)]
Special edition of PSJ looking at life imprisonment and its impact on prisoners and their families.
Keywords: lifers
[Prison Service Journal (2022)]
Article, based on interviews of men reconvicted of a sexual offence after release, and some of the key challenges affecting desistance.
Keywords: sex offenders, desistance
[Prison Service Journal (2022)]
Article on preventing post release drug related deaths, and encouraging engagement in treatment.
Keywords: substance misuse
[Prison Service Journal (2022)]
Article on the issue of assaults on prison staff and how to prevent them.
Keywords: staff assaults, safer custody
[Prison Service Journal (2022)]
This issue of Prison Service Journal looks at the question of care leavers and the criminal justice system.
Keywords: care leavers
[Prison Service Journal (2021)]
Research report on trauma-informed practice in prison.
Keywords: trauma
[Prison Service Journal (2021)]
Article on how incarceration impacts on the grieving process.
Keywords: bereavement
[Prison Service Journal (2020)]
Issue of PSJ focusing on management and leadership in prisons.
Keywords: staff, leadership, management