[Prison Service Journal (2023)]
PSJ article written by former Unlocked Graduate, Scarlett Thomas, on building safe spaces for prisoners and staff and their impact on wellbeing.
Keywords: trauma
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[Prison Service Journal (2023)]
PSJ article written by former Unlocked Graduate, Scarlett Thomas, on building safe spaces for prisoners and staff and their impact on wellbeing.
Keywords: trauma
[Probation Quarterly (2023)]
PQ article summarsing the findings of a research study in to death uner supervision and what lessons might be learnt.
Keywords: health, mental health
[Clinks (2023)]
Report commissioned by Clinks into the challenges facing older prisoners, and the staff who care for them – including some examples of good practice. [From the Clinks online Evidence Library].
Keywords: older prisoners, health, wellbeing
[Prison Service Journal (2023)]
This PSJ article summarises the evidence base relating to the wellbeing, focusing primarily on who may be most at risk of wellbeing difficulties, and on what might be done to help support positive wellbeing in prisons.
Keywords: wellbeing
[Incarceration (Journal) (2023)]
Article on the experiences of prison Listeners – including recommendations on improving the support provided to them.
Keywords: peer support, suicide prevention
[Prison Service Journal (2023)]
This special edition of the Prison Service Journal focuses on factors impacting on the health and wellbeing of staff and how they might be ameliorated.
Keywords: staff wellbeing
[Russell Webster (2023)]
Summary of research into the experiences of heroin users in prison.
Keywords: substance misuse
[Prison Service Journal (2023)]
PSJ article written by former Unlocked Graduate, Iona Warren, includes observations on practice and recommendations for improvement.
Keywords: female offenders, trauma
[Prison Service Journal (2023)]
PSJ article written by former Unlocked Graduate, Beth Sutherland.
Keywords: female offenders, disabilities
[National Women’s Justice Coalition (2023)]
Online searchable directory of services for women in contact with the criminal justice system.
Keywords: female offenders, services