[Prison Service Journal (2016)]
Special edition of PSJ focusing on young offenders in custody, includes articles on: education, autism, neurodevelopmental impairment, resettlement, managing young people, and care leavers.
Keywords: young people
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[Prison Service Journal (2016)]
Special edition of PSJ focusing on young offenders in custody, includes articles on: education, autism, neurodevelopmental impairment, resettlement, managing young people, and care leavers.
Keywords: young people
[Restorative Justice Council (2016)]
Information pack to support custodial establishments in understanding the benefits of restorative justice, and to help make quality restorative justice more widely available.
Keywords: restorative practice
[Prison & Probation Ombudsman (2016)]
Lessons learnt from PPO investigations into the deaths of prisons with mental health issues – inc. examples of good practice.
Keywords: mental health
[Beyond Youth Custody (2015)]
Examining how knowledge about the needs of gang-involved young people can inform effective practice with young people in custody and beyond.
Keywords: young people, gangs, resettlement
[IAP Deaths in Custody (2015)]
The Harris review, undertaken by the Independent Advisory Panel (IAP) on Deaths in Custody, was commissioned by the Justice Secretary to look into self-inflicted deaths in custody of 18-24 year olds.
Keywords: self harm, safer custody
[Prison Service Journal (2015)]
Special issue of PSJ focusing on ways to reduce violence in prisons.
Keywords: violence reduction, safer custody
[Prison Service Journal (2015)]
A Prison Service Journal paper proposing a trauma-based model for understanding individual behaviour and sequencing interventions with young offenders.
Keywords: trauma informed, young people
[Prison Service Journal (2015)]
A special edition of the Prison Service Journal, focusing on working with offenders with a personality disorder.
Keywords: personality disorder
[Prison Service Journal (2015)]
A Prison Service Journal paper on whether and how peer-based approaches to health promotion work within prisons, and if they can contribute to improving the health of prisoners.
Keywords: peer support, healthcare
[Prison Service Journal (2015)]
A special issue of Prison Service Journal, focusing on management and leadership, and the role of Governing Governors.
Keywords: leadership, management