[Prison Service Journal (2017)]
Report in the Prison Service Journal on the needs of d/Deaf people in prison.
Keywords: disability
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[Prison Service Journal (2017)]
Report in the Prison Service Journal on the needs of d/Deaf people in prison.
Keywords: disability
[RECOOP (2017)]
Includes sections on prisoner consultation, older prisoner forums, physical environment, physical activity, buddy support workers, and staff training, and more… .
Keywords: older prisoners
[National Audit Office (2017)]
Report by the National Audit Office on meeting the mental health needs of people in prison.
Keywords: mental health
[Beyond Youth Custody (2016)]
Series of guides for practitioners on supporting young people on release from cusody.
Keywords: young people, resettlement
[Beyond Youth Custody (2016)]
This practitioner briefing aims to highlight what is known about the links between trauma and young people’s behaviour and development.
Keywords: young people, families, resettlement
[Centre for Mental Health (2016)]
Report by the Centre for Mental Health on mental health services in the criminal justice systems, with recommendations for policy and practice at national and local levels.
Keywords: mental health
[Prison Service Journal (2016)]
PSJ article on palliative care in prisons – including challenges, recommendations and examples of good practice.
Keywords: older prisoners, palliative care, healthcare
[Prison Service Journal (2016)]
PSJ article on policy, practice and models of social care delivery for older prisoners.
Keywords: older prisoners, social care
[Prison Service Journal (2016)]
Special issue of Prison Service Journal on restorative justice.
Keywords: restorative practice
[Prison Service Journal (2016)]
Special issue of Prison Service Journal on education in prisons and its life changing potential.
Keywords: education