[Prison Service Journal (2019)]
A special edition of the Prison Service Journal, focusing on recovery from substance misuse.
Keywords: substance misuse
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[Prison Service Journal (2019)]
A special edition of the Prison Service Journal, focusing on recovery from substance misuse.
Keywords: substance misuse
[Prison Service Journal (2019)]
A 2nd special edition of the Prison Service Journal, focusing on rehabilitative cultures in prison.
Keywords: rehab culture
[Nursing Times (2019)]
Article setting out challenges for people with learning disabilities trying to access health services via the criminal justice system, including recommendations on improving practice.
Keywords: learning disability
[Various (2019)]
A toolkit from Prisoners Education Trust and others on encouraging and supporting people in prison to play an active role as members of their custodial community.
Keywords: prisoner engagement
[Research Journal (2019)]
Research by Tyler et al, published in the journal of Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, on the prevalence of mental health issues among a large sample of male and female prisoners.
Keywords: mental health
[Child Outcomes Research Consortium (2019)]
The Mental Health Toolkit has been developed by Public Health England, the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families and CORC, to support the improvement of health outcomes for children, young people and their families.
Keywords: mental health, young people
[Unlock (2019)]
Guide for anyone doing ETE work with people with convictions.
Keywords: criminal records, ETE
[Prison Reform Trust (2018)]
Report from the Prison Reform Trust on “the most effective strategies to prevent prison violence are based on resolving conflicts among people in prison before they escalate”.
Keywords: violence reduction, safer custody
[Prison Reform Trust (2018)]
Report on the impact that women being imprisoned has on their children.
Keywords: families, children, female offenders
[Prison Service Journal (2018)]
A special edition of PSJ focusing prisoners and their families.
Keywords: families