[Russell Webster (2023)]
Compendium of links to information related to offenders and diversity.
Keywords: diversity
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[Russell Webster (2023)]
Compendium of links to information related to offenders and diversity.
Keywords: diversity
[Irish Probation Journal (2022)]
Irish Probation Journal paper examining “the impact of mental illness, learning difficulties, and speech and language difficulties on individuals subject to probation and within custodial environments”.
Keywords: mental health, learning disability
[Pact (2020)]
Collection of a dozen online resources from Pact, including video animations, stories, a guide to a visit experience, as well as further information, aimed at children with a parent or guardian in prison.
Keywords: families
[Risk Management Authority (2019)]
Online directory of risk assessment tools from the Risk Management Authority (a Non Departmental Public Body established by the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003).
Keywords: assessment
[Clinks (2019)]
Report on how a holistic approach can support mental health in prison with key principles and recommendations.
Keywords: mental health
[Clinks (2019)]
Framework of ‘the values, knowledge and skills required to work with people who have co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions’; includes ‘E-learning toolkit’ for front line staff.
Keywords: mental health, substance misuse
[National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance (2019)]
Report outlining the value of arts and culture in these criminal justice settings. Includes a toolkit with step-by-step guidance and principles of best practice.
Keywords: arts
[Prison Reform Trust (2019)]
The report considers women with learning difficulties in the contexts of legislative and policy frameworks, getting support, and criminal justice system responses, while also giving a voice to those women to talk about their experiences.
Keywords: female offenders, learning disability
[Prison Reform Trust (2019)]
A report from the Prison Reform Trust’s Prisoner Policy Network, on the views of those with lived experience on what does (and does not) work in incentivising people in prison.
Keywords: incentives