[HMI Prisons (2020)]
This review provides insights into black and minority ethnic (BME) and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) prisoners’ experiences of rehabilitation and release planning.
Keywords: diversity
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[HMI Prisons (2020)]
This review provides insights into black and minority ethnic (BME) and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) prisoners’ experiences of rehabilitation and release planning.
Keywords: diversity
[HMI Probation (2020)]
Guidance on effective practice in supervising adults in probation settings. [From HMI Probation’s Effective Practice series].
Keywords: supervision
[HMI Probation (2020)]
Report on the evidence base relevant to developing restorative practices in criminal justice settings. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: restorative practice
[HMI Probation (2020)]
Includes definitions, models, and impact of trauma, as well as a section on being trauma-informed and practice. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: trauma informed
[HMI Probation (2020)]
Report on the importance of, and challenges involved in, promoting positive mental health among those on probation. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: mental health
[HMI Probation (2020)]
Report by HMI Probation focusing on the the extent to which the delivery of probation services in England and Wales is being tailored to service users’ individual needs and strengths.
Keywords: supervision
[HMI Probation (2019)]
Academic review of the latest evidence in addiction recovery. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: substance misuse
[HMI Probation (2019)]
Clarifying definitions of ‘desistance’ and ‘what works’, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, points of divergence and areas of agreement. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: reducing reoffending
[HMI Probation (2019)]
Exploring what helps and hinders in youth offending and probation services. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: supervision
[CJJI (2019)]
Report of a joint HMI Prisons and Probation thematic inspection, focusing on the management and supervision of men convicted of sexual offences.
Keywords: sex offenders