[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work and unpaid work. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: unpaid work
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[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work and unpaid work. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: unpaid work
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work and court reports. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: court work
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Academic insights: this report summarises the research evidence on girls and gangs, and how this has been utilised to develop the ‘Getting out for Good’ project which combines gender-specific mentoring with sporting and cultural activities. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: gangs, young people, female offenders
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work and young adults. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: young people
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work and women. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: female offenders
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work and ethnic minorities. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: diversity
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work and domestic abuse. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: domestic violence
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work and sexual offending. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: sexual offending
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Summary of the evidence base relating to probation work, and extremism and terrorism. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Thematic review on the experiences of black and mixed heritage boys in contact with the criminal justice system.
Keywords: young people, diversity