[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to how people in prison and on probation may be affected by sex work and how services can improve outcomes for them. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: sex workers
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[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to how people in prison and on probation may be affected by sex work and how services can improve outcomes for them. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: sex workers
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to offender risk assessment, risk of reoffending and risk of serious harm. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: risk assessment
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to restorative justice and restorative practice for victims and offenders. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: restorative practice
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to the impact on reoffending of Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL). Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: ROTL
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to what we know about who is recalled to prison, and the experience of recall. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: recall
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to how the prison officer – prisoner relationship can support rehabilitation. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: staff-prisoner relationships
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to suicide and self harm in prison and how services can identify and support those at risk. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: suicide, self harm, safer custody
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence about what works and doesn’t work, to help reduce violence in prison. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: violence reduction, safer custody
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence relating to the effectiveness of rehabilitative services for BAME people in prison or on probation. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
[HMPPS (2019)]
A summary of evidence about how people in prison and on probation may be affected by a history of being in care as a child and how services can improve outcomes for them. Part of HMPPS’ Prison & Probation Evidence Resource.
Keywords: care leavers