[Greater Manchester Probation (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: an alternative to unpaid work placements for people who, because of health and disability issues, are unable to undertake a traditional placement.
Keywords: unpaid work
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[Greater Manchester Probation (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: an alternative to unpaid work placements for people who, because of health and disability issues, are unable to undertake a traditional placement.
Keywords: unpaid work
[Gwynedd YJS (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a 21-session child-centred programme, developed by Bangor University, to help build young people’s resilience, aimed at reducing their risk of reoffending.
Keywords: young people, education, resilience
[Ingeus (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a collection of Activity Hubs focusing on participants who are difficult to engage, at risk of re-offending and furthest away from employment, as well as a dedicated veterans Hub.
Keywords: purposeful activity, engagement
[Ingeus (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a programme of lived experience staff delivering Health Trainer services to people on probation, supporting vulnerable individuals into mainstream health provision.
Keywords: peer support, health
[Kent, Surrey & Sussex Probation (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Compliance Officers help re-engage people on probation, support them to complete their orders, and identify those who are not engaging, and help them engage with education and training.
Keywords: compliance, sentence management
[North East Probation (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: community hubs are staffed by probation practitioners and promote a “one stop shop” approach whereby people on probation can meet their supervising officer and get the wrap-around support they need.
Keywords: supervision, engagement
[North East Probation (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: an Intensive Intervention Risk Management Service, offering individualised support to those needing additional help in order to make a successful return to the community.
Keywords: high-risk, engagement
[PBNI (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy runner-up: a partnership project between PBNI and Belfast City Council in which people on community service orders remove graffiti & chewing gum from around the city.
Keywords: unpaid work
[Wales Probation (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a programme for managing individuals linked to organised crime, who cause chaos, harm and disruption, but are not necessarily at the higher levels of organised crime groups.
Keywords: intelligence sharing
[West Midlands Probation (2022)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a service providing support to hard to reach people with Personality Disorder traits, or personality characteristics that are linked to risk of harm.
Keywords: personality disorder