[North West Probation (2024)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a 6 session group work programme for veterans on probation – focusing on issues such as substance misuse, trauma, reintegration, and employment skills.
Keywords: veterans, peer support
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[North West Probation (2024)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: a 6 session group work programme for veterans on probation – focusing on issues such as substance misuse, trauma, reintegration, and employment skills.
Keywords: veterans, peer support
[Cheshire YJS (2024)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: focusing on social prescirbing for young people at the point of arrest.
Keywords: young people, mental health, wellbeing
[Interventions Alliance (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Interventions Alliance believe their Chatham CFO Activity Hub is an example of best practice in working with young adult male offenders, who are often reluctant to engage with non-mandated services.
Keywords: reintegration, employment, engagement, young adults
[East Sussex YJS (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Collaboration Against Child Exploitation (CACE) is a parent-led partnership between East Sussex YJS and local parents with lived experience of child exploitation.
Keywords: young people, exploitation
[Ingeus (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Ingeus’ Fit for Work programme is an 8-week course, with participants spending 1 day p.w. in small teams in the Peak District national park, aimed at improving engagement and helpng prepare people for work.
Keywords: training, employment
[Wales Probation (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Under this initiatve Wales Probation have put systems and structures in place to support effective communication, learning and continuous improvement throughout the organisation as a whole – with a particular focus on “Human factors”.
Keywords: learning, professional development, communications
[Gateshead YJS (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Listen to Me is a video scripted, voiced and animated by young people, for other young people involved in the CJS, on how they became involved in offending, their experiences of the CJS, and what worked for them to help them stop offending.
Keywords: young people, diversion, crime prevention, peer engagement
[Interventions Alliance (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Interventions Alliance believe their Liverpool Activity Hub is an example of good practice in its work with TACT offenders and others convicted of especially serious offences.
Keywords: reintegration, employment, engagement, TACT offenders
[Ingeus (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: Ingeus’ music workshops, delivered in partnership with the organisation All Star Youth at HMPs Moorland and Humber, are for prisoners aged 18-24 who are self isolating and/or exhibiting challenging behaviours.
Keywords: young adults, engagement, self isolation, challenging behaviour
[North East Probation (2023)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: The Practice Improvement Group (‘the PIG’) meets 4-6 weekly, and focuses on sharing good practice, as well as and identifying areas for improvement, across Newcastle probation.
Keywords: practice improvement, staff engagement