[House of Commons (2019)]
Parliamentary report presenting evidence that reoffending rates ‘can be reduced through access to sport or cultural programmes’.
To search this category add search terms after the "+" below:
[e.g. youth justice + neurodiversity]
[Nursing Times (2019)]
Article setting out challenges for people with learning disabilities trying to access health services via the criminal justice system, including recommendations on improving practice.
Keywords: learning disability
[Child Outcomes Research Consortium (2019)]
The Mental Health Toolkit has been developed by Public Health England, the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families and CORC, to support the improvement of health outcomes for children, young people and their families.
Keywords: mental health, young people
[Unlock (2019)]
Guide for anyone doing ETE work with people with convictions.
Keywords: criminal records, ETE
[HMI Probation (2018)]
This Research & Analysis Bulletin focuses on the views of children & young people under supervision, to help improve services and ensure they are sufficiently responsive to their individual needs. [From HMI Probation’s Research & Analysis series].
Keywords: supervision, young people
[Revolving Doors Agency (2018)]
Highlights ‘promising work’ on young adults commissioned and supported by PCCs across the country’, part of a series sharing examples of good practice. Includes links to further resources and references.
Keywords: young people
[Young Minds (2018)]
Addressing Adversity includes the latest evidence, insight and good practice to support practitioners, providers and commissioners in relation to adversity and trauma-informed care across England.
Keywords: mental health, trauma, young people
[Unlock (2018)]
Everything you need to know about finding housing with a criminal record.
Keywords: criminal records, housing
[Beyond Youth Custody (2016)]
Series of guides for practitioners on supporting young people on release from cusody.
Keywords: young people, resettlement
[Beyond Youth Custody (2016)]
This practitioner briefing aims to highlight what is known about the links between trauma and young people’s behaviour and development.
Keywords: young people, families, resettlement