[HMI Probation (2020)]
Overview and further reading in relation to the Risk-Need-Responsivity model of effective practice with offenders. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: RNR, what works
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[HMI Probation (2020)]
Overview and further reading in relation to the Risk-Need-Responsivity model of effective practice with offenders. [From HMI Probation’s Evidence base (probation)].
Keywords: RNR, what works
[Arts Alliance (2020)]
The Evidence Library is an online library housing the key research and evaluation documents on the impact of arts-based projects, programmes and interventions within the Criminal Justice System.
Keywords: arts
[Clinks (2020)]
A review of the evidence regarding trauma and trauma-informed work in relation to people within the criminal justice system. [From the Clinks online Evidence Library].
Keywords: trauma informed
[NICCO (2020)]
Website – in partnership between Barnardo’s and HMPPS – featuring Services, Resources and Research relevant to working with children and families of offenders.
Keywords: families
[Russell Webster (2023)]
Compendium of links to information related to offenders and diversity.
Keywords: diversity
[Cheshire YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: DIVERT is a multi-agency initiative, focused on the point of arrest, to divert the person concerned from ending up in the criminal justice system.
Keywords: young people, diversion
[Darlington YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: the Darlington YOS DoE programme is run on by YOS staff and volunteers (much of it in their own time) and described as good practice by HMIP.
Keywords: young people, engagement
[East Sussex YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: two specialist YOT staff located within the local pupil referral unit – providing targeted early interventions focusing on knofe crime and exploitation.
Keywords: young people, knife crime, exploitation
[Hackney YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: the virtual book club sends young people a list of books they can read and keep, free of charge.
Keywords: young people, education, engagement
[Hillingdon YJS (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: AXIS is an award winning, intelligence led, crime prevention initiative.
Keywords: young people, crime prevention