[HMI Probation (2022)]
Report focusing on the concept of professional curiosity, its application within probation, and the implications for good-quality practice. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: professional curiosity
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[HMI Probation (2022)]
Report focusing on the concept of professional curiosity, its application within probation, and the implications for good-quality practice. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: professional curiosity
[HMI Probation (2022)]
Research and analysis bulletin on approaches to tacklnig knife crime. [From HMI Probation’s Research & Analysis series].
Keywords: knife crime
[Prison Service Journal (2022)]
Article, based on interviews of men reconvicted of a sexual offence after release, and some of the key challenges affecting desistance.
Keywords: sex offenders, desistance
[Clinks (2022)]
This evidence review provides an in-depth look at the issue of reducing reoffending and increasing community (re)integration for people who have a sexual conviction. [From the Clinks online Evidence Library].
Keywords: sex offenders, desistance
[Lancaster University (2022)]
Report, based on a review of the research literature and new research conducted by the authors, on the role experiences of care can have on women and girls and how to help prevent care leavers from ending in custody.
Keywords: young people, female offenders, care leavers
[HMI Probation (2022)]
This report summarises the concept of Transitional Safeguarding, which recognises that the transition to adulthood is a process that continues beyond an 18th birthday, and that many harms and traumas do not stop at this age. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: safeguarding, young people
[HMI Probation (2022)]
Report exploring the experiences of staff working with trauma in adult probation – includes recommendations on effective practice. [From HMI Probation’s Research & Analysis series].
Keywords: trauma informed
[HMI Probation (2023)]
Publications from HMI Probation relating to safeguarding and public protection. [From HMI Probation’s Effective Practice series].
Keywords: public protection
[HMI Probation (2022)]
Effective practice guide on working with people with mental health issues in criminal justice settings. [From HMI Probation’s Effective Practice series].
Keywords: mental health
[HMI Probation (2022)]
Effective practice guide on electronic monitoring. [From HMI Probation’s Effective Practice series].
Keywords: electronic monitoring