[Clinks (2021)]
This evidence review assesses the current evidence base on peer mentoring in the criminal justice system. [From the Clinks online Evidence Library].
Keywords: peer mentoring
Search Results for: peer mentoring
Found 9 matches
[Clinks (2021)]
This evidence review assesses the current evidence base on peer mentoring in the criminal justice system. [From the Clinks online Evidence Library].
Keywords: peer mentoring
[West Midlands Probation (2021)]
Kathy Biggar Trophy submission: mentoring and support provided by former prisoners, trained and supported by probation staff, to newly released peers.
Keywords: peer mentoring, resettlement
[HMI Probation (2021)]
Review of the evidence base on the impact of mentoring and peer mentoring on mentors and mentees, also includes useful advice on how mentoring schemes can go wrong. [From HMI Probation’s Academic Insights].
Keywords: mentoring
[Russell Webster (2021)]
Best practice guide to support peer mentors and other people with lived experience volunteering or working in the social justice sector.
Keywords: peer mentoring
[Wealstun prison (2021)]
Ruth Mann Trophy finalist: “Problem Support Mentors” are trained wing based peer mentors acting as social problem solving coaches, using the 6 step problem solving principles of the Thinking Skills Programme (TSP).
Keywords: peer mentoring, safer custody, problem solving
[Good Book of Prisons (2019)]
Findings – from interviews with over 2000 staff, prisoners and managers from across the custodial estate – in relation to consultation and engagement with prisoners, including prison councils, peer support and peer mentoring. [From the Butler Trust’s Good Book of Prisons].
Keywords: prison councils, peer mentoring, prisoner consultation
[Bullingdon prison (2022)]
Ruth Mann Trophy submission: a team of trained prisoner peer support workers who live and work on the Induction Wing, providing support and guidance to new receptions on arrival.
Keywords: peer mentoring, safer custody
[Haverigg prison (2022)]
Ruth Mann Trophy submission: a converted former workshop bringing together a range of services and facilities including a café, barbershop, charity shop, and a dedicated Listeners room, where prisoners can get advice and support.
Keywords: wellbeing, training, peer mentoring
[Risley prison (2022)]
Ruth Mann Trophy submission: a 180+ bed facility, overseen and staffed by staff veterans, with the aim to create a wellbeing and resettlement-focused residential community.
Keywords: veterans, wellbeing, resettlement, peer mentoring